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← Précédent: Lulu, true story
Clin d’œil sonore d’une minute né dans la nuit du 10 au 11 avril 2016. Réalisé avec Guisane Humeau.
Lulu a été diffusé le 17 janvier …
Suivant: On the path of Promaja… →
Expérience radio de 2013 enfin accessible depuis ce site-
J’ai attendu deux ans qu’on m’envoie le sous-titre en italien mais non, on ne me l’envoya point.
Un …
This documentary is the first part of a longer work : the second part is in progress.
It’s happening in Prizren, Kosovo, and a little bit in Prishtina. It tells the story of my trip there, and especially the meetings, to understand what is said about the uranium-laden bombs that fell between March 24 and June 10, 1999 on Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro. And on the heads of the people I met. The second part is being finalized in Vranje, a city that also had a communication antenna on its peaks, and that NATO has also heavily bombed … Just like in Prizren. But on the other side of the border, in Serbia, 160km by road.
It’s a job that took a long time to get done, 13 people particpated to the dubbing in French, we speak in English and Serbian mainly because I only stammer Albanian.
A huge thank you to Jean-Philippe Zwahlen for the mixing, for taking the time needed, without whom this work would not be what it is , or perhaps would not even be at all.
Thank you to a lot of people, everyone who will recognize, who helped me to hold on to finish it!