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← Précédent: Bovine
Au milieu d’un champ. A la ferme familiale. Un moment de solitude enregistré : face à un troupeau de vaches qui aspirent à changer de …
Suivant: Hatching →
De quelques mots, on parvient à passer une idée. Un salut , Bonjour !, un Merci.
Et puis un jour on apprend à écrire ces mots. Ils s’accumulent, …
Would you bring me for a visit?
What is factory life about ? For who does not work there, there no real way to get a concrete idea of it. So, someone has to tell about it. It will be Mimmo.
(Title in italian –Mi faresti entrare ? )
This project got a special mention from the Marco Rossi Prize, Italian radio call on the theme of work, organized by Radio Articolo1.
It was broadcasted on radio Articolo 1 in Rome, december 2015, and all Radio Articolo1 broadcasts around Italy.
Tu me ferais visiter ? from Léa Promaja on Vimeo.