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Sacré Phone, Holly Phone, Paris

Main language – French. Atmospheres in various languages, english arabic and kabyle (Berber idioma from Northern Africa).

A taxiphone, Internet, telephone and computer service in one shop. Sacré Phone, like Sacré Coeur, Montmarte church in the centre of Paris. From the street, the front of the store seems anonymous, the feeling is cold. Once you step in, keyboards clack, peopel chat, phones are picked up, hanged off. A concentrate of world languages, nostalgy languages. Moments of exchange, concentrate of the world, its people and their stories. Once the phone hanged off, one end up chatting,live, with the Other, the stranger, the neighbour. Explosive laughs, arguments or debates, in the warm erzast of public services, as a modern Post office.

-This sound has been relaized in the frame of a contest “Shared Words/Paroles partagees”, on the theme “Quelle langue parlez vous?”