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← Précédent: гласот на земјотресот / Léa in the street for the 50th commemoration of Skopje’s earthquake
Une installation se prépare pour le 26 juillet. 50 ans après le tremblement de terre.
Imagine des caisses de bières qui se baladent dans Skopje…
Ou plus …
Suivant: Listen to San Lorenzo, Rome →
Un petit tour, les yeux fermés ? Alors un casque sur les oreilles…j’vous invite à San Lorenzo, ballade spontanée dans un quartier romain, au gré …
Saïd was recorded on the spot, unprogrammed, as a young man decided to share his concerns on his life, and share his poetic way to do so, right in the middle of a cycling workshop. He adresses, through his personal life and feelings, the most actual issue that comes in my mind as the “South”: the question of migrations.
Saïd is from the Sahara desert. Saïd and his art, that of narrating reality. He repairs bicycles in an improvised cycling workshop set into a squat in Bologne. The cycling workshop is this only place where he can make his own art without being exploited. He found a humane dimension there, a sincere acknowledgement. He learnt everything here, he made his first steps into italian by learning the name of the bike parts. Saïd is from the South, he learnt to give voice to his life, his desires, his thoughts by tuning the rhythm of a rap song. He left the South, got separated from his South, somehow he cries for it.
A soundwork of Léa promaja’s, edited in collaboration with Noiselle.
Photographie : Thumper & “Sat Nav” Sammy